Saturday, October 14, 2006


It is Saturday morning and we have survived our first day. Sorry I couldn't right sooner, but I was busy and I couldn't get to the computer until this morning. Sue took some pictures that you see above you in the slide show. We are having a great time and I am glad that Ali was able to join us. She is Awesome!!!!. Barb did some make and takes and as you can see we have a fully stocked mini store with some great new stuff that we didn't even have in the store. Today Ali is booked and we have scrappers going until they can't go no more. This morning the doors opened up at 7am with the first scrappers. Not really sure what time everyone went to bed yet, but I bet it was late. We had alot of raffels and prizes that we gave away. We really had alot of fun. Well I have to go. Check back later to see what I post. You can join iin online- Turn off your phone set up a chair and start scrappin!! Julie

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