Wow, After a week of unpacking from our retreat we are finally finished for the time beinging. We have a challenge for January & February and you have guest it. Below is all the new valentine paper. It is all about Valentines Day. Your challenge should you deceide to accept it is to design a layout using 5 different valentine pages. And as the same with all the other challenges it needs to be completed or postmarked before midnight on Feb 28, 2007. You need to get it to the store before the deadline.
On to a very important Challenge!!!!! We were so inspired by Stacey's T-shirts from Junkitz that we want to have our own t-shirt for our next crop weekend. The deadline for this challenge is FEBRUARY 9th. Your design needs to be ONE color and able to fit on a 11x8.5 (Landscape) sheet of paper. The winner will be unvailed at our next crop weekend in March. Winner will receive a shirt(of course) and another prize. SAVE the date!! March 16-18 2007 More details to follow.